Jewelcraft v Pressland [2015] EWCA Civ 1111

Jewelcraft v Pressland – What is a house – Leasehold Reform Act 1967 – mixed premises 

As reported earlier, the case of Jewelcraft v Pressland has been making its way from the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court. 

The Supreme Court has turned down the landlords’ application for leave to appeal. 

Whilst this is not an entirely unexpected result, the Supreme Court has missed an opportunity to carry out a significant ‘clear up’ of the law in this area.

Whilst the position in relation to ‘mixed-use’ premises where there is a shop with flat above has perhaps been clarified, the position is still unclear in relation to other types mixed property.

A full copy of the decision appears at the link below:

Jewelcraft v Pressland
The case has also generated a level of interest from other commentators:

Legal beagles
New Law Journal
Practical Law 

Mark Chick

Mark Chick is a solicitor dealing with leasehold issues. This note (being very general in its nature) is not a complete statement of the law in this area.  It is therefore not a substitute for legal advice from a suitably qualified professional and should not be relied upon as such. No liability can therefore be accepted for any actions based on reliance upon it.

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