About a year ago I commented on the proposed changes to the LVT’s practice and procedure – which are about to come into effect from 1st July 2013. There has been relative silence from the professionals about these changes – which in effect seek to harmonise the tribunal system so that all tribunals have a common format and set of procedural guidance and rules.
Siobhan McGrath the president of the London LVT spoke at the LEASE conference last week on 21st May 2013 and gave in overview a positive view of the likely changes. I expect the biggest difference – apart from the fact that the tribunal chairs will now become judges of the tribunal, is the fact that the tribunal’s powers to award costs will now be extended – instead of being limited to £500 as is currently the case where there is ‘poor’ behaviour in front of the tribunal. How this is likely to affect cases in practice remains to be seen – however there has been relatively little comment – which I expect means that the changes will come in ‘quietly’ and then we will see a raft of comments from practitioners as they and the public get to grips with the new system.
We at Trafalgar Court in Mundesley have been going to the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal from 2001 till today 2013. Our Freeholder keep bringing endless applications of service charges etc will the above information stop this endless LVT from happening?